Title: Losers (perdedores), 2003
Medium: Digital image created for War Campaign on Iraq Poster Exhibition (2003).
Author: Eusebio Guerra.
Gallery: http://www.miniaturegigantic.com/369.html
One of my drawings at the Breaking Bad Fan Art!!!
This drawing was inspired by "Better Call Saul" slogan from the Breaking Bad TV serie.
Be cool and reblog at tumblr!!!
Title: "Better Call 666", Endless Nightmares series, 2012
Medium: Ballpoint over paper and digital manipulation.
Author: Eusebio Guerra.
5,8 x 8,3 in. / 14,9 x 21 cm.
"South hot nights make me draw strange ghosts, mixed with the harsh reality of Breaking Bad and a demonic spirit called capitalism." "Las noches calurosas del sur me hacen dibujar extraños fantasmas, mezclados entre la dura realidad de Breaking Bad y un espíritu demoniaco llamado capitalismo."